What is the Arts Therapies Counselling Course?

The Arts Therapies counselling course is made up of six short courses in a year, spread over four years.

The goal with our Arts Therapies Counselling Course is to equip individuals to use art as a medium to do counselling with individuals or groups. 

We teach you Art Therapy principles and Art Therapy theories as well as principles from Psychology and Counselling to enable you to be effective as an Arts Techniques Counsellor.

The Art Healing Academy is the first of its kind in South Africa and was established in 2009. 

This course includes theory, experientials, a practical component, studio work and supervision.

What makes this course so unique?

  • This course will enable you to use Art as modality to work therapeutically as a Counsellor.
  • Our year is divided into three trimesters and you can enrol and start either in February, June or October.
  • You are allocated a study mentor and supervisor that will contact you directly after you have registered.
  • The time set to complete each module will be six to eight weeks.
  • We advise that you complete 3 modules over 6 months, but you can work faster or slower as is possible for you.
  • You can enroll for one module at a time or for up to six at a time.

Speak to one of our consultants and find out more about this life changing course. 



""I completed the arts counselling course in 2017 and started my own counselling practice. Since then, I counselled close to 800 people mainly using art as modality. I counsel individuals but also facilitate groups and I enjoy corporate work. The healing effect of art in the counselling process is astounding! The course was very tough, but worth every cent and all the time I spend on it. Not only did it fuel my passion to help people even more, it also enriched my life in so many ways. In 2020 I enrolled for the pastoral counselling course to be able to counsel people spiritually in a creative way. The course meant a great deal for me personally and I'm already seeing how clients benefit from the added spiritual approach". (The latter is a Helios course, go to for more info".)


“I am now in my 4th year of the ATA course. I can't even begin to explain how it has changed my life. Not only did I discover things about myself but I found my life purpose. Being able to use art as a tool for healing has come to me at a time in my life where I needed and in turn it enabled me to share this tool with so many people I would otherwise never have met. 

It took me out of my comfort zone and gave me the skills and the passion to transform not only my life but the people's lives whom I have had the privilege of sharing this amazing thing called Art Counselling.

I have become the resident art counselling counsellor at a girls home for teenagers in Kempton Park and I am so blessed to have the skills that have allowed me to make important life changes for these girls. The power that expressive arts have in healing and empowering people leaves me awe everyday. My love, confidence and passion for art counselling has made my journey over the past four years a life changing one and I look forward to the growth of art counselling and therapy in South Africa.”  Natalie 

Lorette Dye 

BA(Psyc); THLdip; BA (CW); MA(Psyc-spes in Art Therapy and molestation)

Creator of the Arts Therapies Counselling Course

Lorette Dye is a Counsellor with training in Psychology and Art therapy, a lecturer, a published author and a missionary. She has a BA (Psych), Diploma (THL), BA (CW), MA (Psych) (with specialization in Art Therapy and the effects of sexual molestation).

She is a sought-after speaker and was invited to speak at the 46th AATA annual conference in Minneapolis, USA on intercultural working in Art Therapy. Her book titled 'Art therapy / Using Art techniques across cultural and race boundaries' was published in 2017 by a leading British publisher (Jessica Kingsley Publisher). She is also the author of "The Strepco-approach to therapy" (with a chapter on Art therapy).

She founded the Art Healing Academy in South Africa to equip entry or mid-level individuals as Arts Therapies Counsellors (not as Art Therapists), using art as a medium to do counselling with individuals or groups. Lorette's passion is to make a difference by helping disadvantaged communities across Africa through Art Therapy. Her missionary work has taken her across ten different African countries, where she delivers training in Counselling including in Art therapy. Lorette has lived in China as well as in Indonesia, and currently resides in South Africa.

Copyright 2023 - Art Healing Academy

This course offers you the opportunity to pursue a career as an 

Arts Therapies Counsellor for only 

R1600 per module (10 modules in total) or R800per month (1 module every 2 months)

Where can I work after my studies?

  • In South Africa you can work at an organization as many of our past students do or you can start your own practice.
  • You can also integrate what you have learned through our course in the field you are currently in for example if you are a social worker, a psychologist, an art teacher or a counsellor.
  • Present workshops, do group work or arrange camps or specialized weekends.
  • We also have workshops-to-buy that are compiled by a specialist that is ready and can be immediately presented once you've bought it. You can also provide us with workshops that we will sell on your behalf.


“Currently busy with my third year, the course is a tremendous help not only personally for my own well being but also in my day to day work situation at Drakenstein Association for Persons with Disabilities.

I can experience the growth in myself to gain more structure in my desire to connect to persons in a therapeutic environment unlocking the full potential of persons through creativity.

The course definitely gives structure and direction in the process of the creative therapeutic potential!

Thank you so much for your effort to make this opportunity possible!”  Naki

Lorette Dye

BA(Psyc); THLdip; BA (CW); MA(Psyc-spes in Art Therapy and molestation)

My studies at  HELIOS were my best investment ever!

I completed Art Therapy and the STREPCO courses about 10 years ago and work full time as an Art Councellor and Life Coach. 

My favorite thing about HELIOS is Lorette Dye! The teamwork and support is great and she is still available at every step of my life. 

She guided me personally and assisted me to publish two Art therapy books to assist parents, teachers, councellors and therapists.

Through  these courses I was equipped with knowledge and practical skills to apply in my practise each day.

Amanda Marais

*Tel: +27 82 299 6926 or +27 72 502 3918  *Email: